The Onzaki Nikai no Yado is furnished with a soft touch and slumbering light. From the small roof balcony on the upper floor, guests can enjoy the ever-changing sky and breeze, amidst the rich life of the Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter. Relax and enjoy quiet moments, amid daily life.
光をしつらえた「御崎 二階の宿」。柔らかな感触とまどろむ光。移ろう時間とともに表情を変える、淡い空間をお楽しみいただけます。3階の小さなルーフバルコニーからは、刻々と変化する空と風、そして倉敷美観地区の豊かな営みが広がります。
The Onzaki Nikai no Yado is furnished with a soft touch and slumbering light. From the small roof balcony on the upper floor, guests can enjoy the ever-changing sky and breeze, amidst the rich life of the Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter.
Relax and enjoy quiet moments, amid daily life.
設計:山本圭一建築事務所 / Keiichi Yamamoto Architect Office