阿知の庄 蔵の宿
T03 Achinosho Kura no Yado

一棟貸し|定員 6名まで



阿知の庄 蔵の宿は、1897年頃この地に移築された蔵を改修した一棟貸の宿泊施設です。

A former warehouse that was moved to its current location in 1897, the Achinosho Kura no Yado is a fully renovated guest accommodation that retains its historic barn exterior. Having been repaired little by little over the past century, the building has been refurbished with its original tiled namako walls restored. Structural timbers, mud walls and other parts that could be retained were left in place, while mud walls, floorboards and tiles were re-used as much as possible in the refurbishment process. 

設計:TT Architects, Inc. 高吉輝樹 / Teruki Takayoshi
施工:株式会社なんば建築工房 / Namba Architect Studios Co.





The contrast between the white walls and affixed roof tiles of this former warehouse blend perfectly alongside the Kurashiki waterway.
The entrance approach, where guests can enjoy the changing seasons, is paved with kitagi stone and lined with evergreen trees such as tobera, which is native to the Seto Inland Sea coast, and broad-leaved trees such as natsu-haze, yama-momiji and mitsuba-tsutsuji, casting pleasant shadows on its white walls.

With a large on which guests can stretch out and relax, the living room is floored with beautiful red pine that was found lying dormant for more than twenty years in the timber storehouse of a local construction company. The large wall on the north side is made of firebricks manufactured in Bizen City, Okayama Prefecture, and is laminated with rich expression, allowing guests to warm themselves whilst enjoying the flames flicker.

On the second floor, where soft light streams in from the vaulted ceiling, a neat brass handrail divides the space, creating a tatami area for relaxing in whilst looking down on the living room and courtyard.

Enveloped in soft light and the warmth of the earthen walls, guests can relax, unwind and pass the time as they choose.
